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Expose Shortcut for Arrange All Windows

In Expose in Snow Leopard, with all windows visible, press F9 (or the Expose key [F3] on recent Mac laptops), then press Command-1 to arrange the windows by name or press Command-2 to arrange them by application.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Of iMacs and StyleWriters

Of iMacs and StyleWriters -- Last week's "iMac Connection Guide" (see TidBITS-444) will require updates, and the first comes from Farallon, who introduced the EtherMac iPrint Adapter SL. This model of the iPrint connects serial-based StyleWriter printers without LocalTalk support to the iMac's 10Base-T Ethernet port. Like Farallon's solution for LocalTalk printers, the now-shipping EtherMac iPrint Adapter LT, the SL version of the iPrint will cost $99, and Farallon expects to ship it in September of 1998. [ACE]

< iprintadapter.html>


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