This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-08-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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iMac Connection Guide

by Adam C. Engst

The iMac is out, and retailers are reporting record demand, including sell-outs and orders for more iMacs. Feedback has begun to trickle in, and seems positive (one TidBITS Talk participant, who shall remain nameless, claims to have tattooed a tiny iMac on his rump - we won't ask for proof). Service technicians have grumbled at the amount of time needed to add memory to the iMac (20 minutes or so), which is the most common modification. The question on everyone's mind is how to connect the iMac to other Macs and existing peripherals, so we thought we'd summarize the main choices. For additional information, check out Apple's iMac Connectivity Guide and iMac Support Page, plus MacFixit's iMac Page and MacInTouch's iMac FAQ.

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File Transfer -- Anyone upgrading from an older Mac probably needs to move files to the iMac. Possibilities vary, depending on the older Mac's configuration and the hardware at your disposal. Also, some resellers are offering a file transfer service for iMac customers, and I'd encourage user groups to offer a similar service, perhaps as a membership incentive.


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Connecting Printers -- The next major iMac question involves printers. Again the possibilities vary widely.


Connecting Other Stuff -- Although most people have wondered about connecting Macs and printers, other devices come up as well.


