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Fun Way to Send Attachments in Mail

If you're working in a file that you want to attach to a message in Apple Mail, you can transfer the file to Mail easily: From the title bar of the file's window, drag the little proxy icon to Mail's icon on the Dock. Your Mac will make Mail the active application and open a new outgoing message, with the file attached.

(If your icon won't drag, the file probably isn't saved.)



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We'd like to welcome our new sponsor, Nisus Software, publishers of Nisus, Nisus Compact, and the programmer's editor QUED/M. You can get an index of their information files (and find out how to request files) by sending email to , or to automatically receive a 38K file containing all six information files, send email to Show full article

Mail.Test Mistake

Mail.Test Mistake -- Last week Yoshiki Shibata accidentally sent a message to our mailing list that slipped through the LISTSERV's setting that allows only me to post to the groupShow full article

Word 5.1a patcher available

Word 5.1a patcher available -- On Friday the 13th, Tony Huang posted to the Info-Mac digest, saying "Believe or not, there's already a updater for the newly-released Word 5.1Show full article

Driver Education

Steve Kalkwarf writes "We received about a dozen Macintosh Classics earlier this year. I discovered that if I had them on an AppleTalk network with machines of any other type, they would crash when I connected to them with Apple's Likewise network distribution software (the best $150 I ever spent)Show full article


No, it's not another integrated package. Several weeks ago, Beagle Bros. closed its doors and is no more. WordPerfect Corporation has acquired BeagleWorks, the flagship product of Beagle Bros, along with the list of registered users, the program, and the codeShow full article

Portable DeskJet Trick

We said in TidBITS-146 that Hewlett-Packard had come up with a Portable DeskJet, but no corresponding Portable DeskWriter, a seemingly-obvious move given the popularity of the PowerBooksShow full article

Travels with Charley

So you bought a Power Book, perhaps one of those cute 100s? It's different from your desktop Mac, isn't it? I recommend that you read its manual - it was the first Apple manual I've read in years, but I was curiousShow full article

What's Up, Now?

Now Utilities (hereinafter, NU) is a collection of system extensions, most of which started as shareware or freeware on the nets, where faithful fans could not imagine life without themShow full article

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