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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


We'd like to welcome our new sponsor, Nisus Software, publishers of Nisus, Nisus Compact, and the programmer's editor QUED/M. You can get an index of their information files (and find out how to request files) by sending email to <>, or to automatically receive a 38K file containing all six information files, send email to <>. This file will not pass through the AppleLink or America Online gateways, so users of those services must request files individually.

Among other useful information, Nisus Software's files include news about the just-updated QUED/M, Nisus hints and tips, using Nisus foreign-language versions (the only foreign language word processor available in the US, according to MacWEEK), descriptions of Nisus Software's other products, and instructions on how to get free demo versions of Nisus and Nisus Compact.

Many thanks to Nisus Software for supporting TidBITS!


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