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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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Don Walker



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Font Clone Pirates

Font Clone Pirates -- Carter Scholz writes, "I'd like to add something to Mark Nutter's review of SoftKey's KeyFonts package in TidBITS-146. Mark writes, "...the fonts aren't the genuine fonts from the original designerShow full article

atob/btoa Translator

atob/btoa Translator -- Numerous people informed us that StuffIt Deluxe and StuffIt Lite 3.0 come with a defunker for the atob/btoa format (along with many others) that we mentioned last weekShow full article

CPU and the new PowerBooks

CPU and the new PowerBooks -- Conrad Halling wrote to tell us of problems with Connectix's CPU utility and the new PowerBooks. If you have one of those machines and CPU, send in your registration card, because Connectix has a free upgrade for registered users of those machinesShow full article

Navigating the Internet: An Interactive Workshop

[We think so highly of the idea of a free, electronic, workshop given over the Internet that we couldn't resist including this announcement. We'll be curious to see how well it works, being one of the first courses provided worldwide over the Internet, breaking down numerous physical, geographic, temporal, and financial barriersShow full article

WriteNow 3.0 Review

Looking for a useful word processor weighing in at 287K on the hard disk and consuming 490K of RAM? Take a hard look at WriteNow 3.0 from T/Maker. Looking for a word processor that sorts, computes, charts, slices and dices? Look elsewhereShow full article

Duo, An Alternative View

Thanks to wonders of that modern monstrosity known as "global marketing" we can easily second-guess Apple's intentions and judge its image solely by creative reading between the linesShow full article

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