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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Introduces New Hardware and Software

Today, October 19th, was an important day for Macintosh users. If you don't know the significance of the date, you've been hiding under a non-Macintosh rock for some timeShow full article

Macintosh PowerBook Duos

We thoroughly covered the Duos in previous issues, but information has arrived from several first-hand sources who claim that the 9", 16-level gray-scale, backlit, supertwist, LCD screen, although not active-matrix, is extremely readableShow full article

PowerBook 160 and 180

In some ways, the 160 and 180 hold little interest - after all, they are merely upgraded versions of the 140 and 170, right? Yes, but Apple has added some new features and changed things just enough to keep Macintosh sales reps busy memorizing new featuresShow full article

PowerBook 160 and 180 RAM Issue

Apple informed dealers this week that some third-party memory expansion cards designed for the PowerBook 140 and 170 models will not fit properly in the just-introduced PowerBook 160 and 180 computersShow full article

Macintosh IIvi and IIvx

The IIvi dropped out of the news a while back, with rumors flying that it would only be sold outside of the US, and that proves to be true. The only real difference between the IIvi and IIvx is that the IIvi uses a 16 MHz 68030 chip in comparison to the IIvx's 32 MHz chipShow full article

Macintosh Color Display

This new 14" color monitor is only an incremental improvement over the previous one (i.e., it performs exactly the same task), but Apple paid a lot more attention to detail, making for a nicer monitor at a lower priceShow full article

AppleCD 300

The new CD player from Apple sets the standard for others to aim at with its double-speed technology, a speed select switch, a reasonable list price of $599, and support for multi-session PhotoCDs along with three other formats I'm unfamiliar with, CD-ROM XA (which apparently requires some extra hardware to play compressed audio), CD+G, and CD+MIDIShow full article

System 7.1

We've talked a lot about 7.1 in the past but have missed a few interesting bits. You know how Apple has shipped a new version of the operating system for each new computer, causing a proliferation of that final digit in the version number? Well, that's about to endShow full article

QuickTime 1.5

If you don't know what QuickTime is yet, go directly to TidBITS-073, do not pass GO, and do not collect $200. QuickTime 1.5 offers significant enhancements over QuickTime 1.0, and anyone serious about QuickTime will want itShow full article

New List Prices

I know that list prices aren't as useful as the street prices, But we don't know what the street prices will be, and they are likely to fluctuate until distribution settles down and everything is readily availableShow full article

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