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Quick Look Shortcut in Expose on Snow Leopard

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, hover your mouse pointer over a window and press the Space bar to view a larger Quick Look version of that window.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 8 in series

MacUser and Macworld Merge

As a quick Web search shows, many people have noted that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I've never been certain of the truth of that statement, but it would appear that the Macintosh community has witnessed an example of it in action. It's Merger Time -- Two weeks ago, rival publishing empires International Data Group (IDG) and Ziff-Davis announced that they have formed a new company called Mac Publications that will consolidate three major Macintosh print publications, Macworld, MacUser, and MacWEEKShow full article

Article 2 of 8 in series

Magazine Merger Redux

I was deluged by responses to my article about Macworld and MacUser merging last week (TidBITS-392). Frankly, I was surprised by the volume, since I hadn't made any controversial comments in the articleShow full article

Article 3 of 8 in series

Magazine Mergers, Media, and Advertising, Continued...

Talk about a topic that won't die. People obviously feel strongly about issues surrounding the Macintosh media and how it affects our world. We thought we'd share the following notes before letting the topic drop for the near future. Graeme Challis passed on the word that despite our comment about how the Macworld/MacUser merger affected only the U.SShow full article

Article 4 of 8 in series

Farewell MacWEEK, Welcome e/media Weekly

Farewell MacWEEK, Welcome e/media Weekly -- Mac Publishing announced that as of the 24-Aug-98 issue, MacWEEK will change its name to e/media Weekly (or Emedia Weekly, or EMedia Weekly, depending on the source you read)Show full article

Article 5 of 8 in series

eMediaweekly Folds After Five Months

Late last week, Mac Publishing, the parent company of Macworld,, and eMediaweekly, announced that it has ceased publication of eMediaweeklyShow full article

Article 6 of 8 in series

Mac Publishing Buys MacCentral

Mac Publishing Buys MacCentral -- Mac Publishing, the folks who publish the online and print editions of Macworld and the online, have announced their acquisition of MacCentral, a Nova Scotia-based Macintosh news and information serviceShow full article

Article 7 of 8 in series

MacWEEK to Roll into MacCentral

MacWEEK to Roll into MacCentral -- After eleven years in print and three more years online after the print transformation into eMediaweekly (which itself lasted only five months), MacWEEK is finally no moreShow full article

Article 8 of 8 in series

Macworld Returns to IDG

Macworld Returns to IDG -- Four years ago, during one of the dips in the Macintosh industry, the fierce competition for advertising between the two leading Macintosh magazines, Macworld and MacUser, was halted by International Data Group (IDG) and Ziff Davis merging the two (along with Ziff Davis's MacWEEK) into a joint venture called Mac PublishingShow full article

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