This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2001-10-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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Macworld Returns to IDG

by Adam C. Engst

Macworld Returns to IDG -- Four years ago, during one of the dips in the Macintosh industry, the fierce competition for advertising between the two leading Macintosh magazines, Macworld and MacUser, was halted by International Data Group (IDG) and Ziff Davis merging the two (along with Ziff Davis's MacWEEK) into a joint venture called Mac Publishing. MacUser was folded into Macworld immediately after the merger, and MacWEEK struggled to find its place as a weekly print magazine, as eMediaweekly, and as the daily news Web arm for Mac Publishing before finally being merged into the MacCentral news site that Mac Publishing acquired in 1999. Now IDG has bought out Ziff Davis's half of the joint venture, and Mac Publishing has become a wholly owned subsidiary of IDG. At IDG, the U.S. Macworld rejoins both the Macworld Conference & Expo and the other ten international versions of Macworld. The move is a good one for Mac Publishing and the Macintosh industry, since the joint venture made for a bizarre corporate structure confused further by the competition between IDG and Ziff Davis. [ACE]

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