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Adjust Multiple Column Sizes Simultaneously

Within the Finder, Column View enables you to see folder hierarchies, with each subsequent level getting its own column. Dragging on the double lines at the base of a column divider changes the preceding column's width. But Option-drag on any divider, and all the columns in the window change to the same width.

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Sharon Zardetto



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Netscape Communicator 4.74

Netscape Communicator 4.74 -- Netscape Communications has released Netscape Communicator 4.74 for Macintosh. Communicator 4.74 includes the new option of removing all mail from POP or IMAP servers when you quit the program. However, the release also includes several Macintosh-specific fixes and enhancements: URLs can now be handed off to applications specified by the Internet control panel or Internet Config, Command-~ cycles through windows, and the package includes StuffIt Expander 5.5 (although other bundled utilities like RealPlayer still aren't up to date). Version 4.74 also corrects Mac-specific JavaScript bugs with frame targeting and infinite recursion, adds printing from the Finder (and from script-created windows that lack standard menus), fixes crashing bugs with automatic address completion, properly handles long URLs in bookmarks and the personal toolbar, and loads plug-ins properly when using Mac OS 9's Multiple Users feature. Additionally, this release fixes cosmetic problems with italic text and instances where plug-ins may not have been able to draw correctly to the browser window, enables roaming access profiles to read email configurations correctly, and changes the built-in Java VM to identify the Temporary Items folder correctly under internationalized versions of the Mac OS. Netscape Communicator is a 13.6 MB download, and requires a PowerPC-based system running Mac OS 7.6.1 or later. Version 4.74 is the latest official release for Mac, although Netscape is also currently conducting a public preview of Netscape 6, based on technologies from the open source Mozilla project. [GD]

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