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Mac OS X Zip Expanding Utility

Firefox (and possibly other applications) may ask you what you want to do with .zip archives that you download from the Internet. If you want to expand them with Mac OS X (rather than StuffIt Expander), you may be unsure of which application actually does the job. You're looking for Archive Utility (in Leopard) or BOMArchiveHelper (in Tiger). In either case, the application is stored in Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/. Don't move it from there, though, or you'll confuse matters.



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Microsoft Antitrust Case to Supreme Court

Microsoft Antitrust Case to Supreme Court -- U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson - who has been presiding over the Microsoft antitrust trial - has agreed with the Justice Department's request under the Expediting Act to send Microsoft's appeal directly to the U.SShow full article

Poll Preview: We Live to Serve

Poll Preview: We Live to Serve -- Despite Apple's lack of interest in recent years, the Mac OS makes a stable, inexpensive, and easy-to-administer Internet server platform for moderate-traffic sites (or personal efforts, as you'll read in Ron Risley's article below)Show full article

Poll Results: I Want My MP3

Poll Results: I Want My MP3 -- The results of last week's poll asking which MP3 player you preferred rather surprised us. Only about 12 percent of the nearly 900 respondents claimed that they never listened to MP3s, which I expected to be higherShow full article

Open Source and the Macintosh

I've just returned from this year's MacHack developers conference, where talk of open source was the rule thanks mostly to a challenging keynote from Eric Raymond, open source proponent and the president of the Open Source InitiativeShow full article

Serving the Internet from a PowerBook 5300

It has been a year since the seduction began. I was an early adopter of ISDN, but years later I felt that it never lived up to its promise. Now that DSL is available in my area, and since I can hit the telco central office with a well-aimed pitch from my back yard, I figured I would get excellent results, since bandwidth available via DSL depends in part on the length and condition of the wires from the central office to your site. My DSL installation was quick and practically flawless, in spite of complications caused by the conversion from ISDNShow full article

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