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Enter Dashboard, Expose, or Spaces Temporarily

Hold down F9, F10, F11, or F12 (or whatever you've set for the Expose and Spaces keyboard shortcuts) for a few seconds, and then release the key to enter and leave the appropriate mode without having to press the key again. This is particularly useful for Dashboard, in which you can check the contents of a widget and then return to your work with only a single key press.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Win Prizes for Web Pages

Win Prizes for Web Pages -- Interested in winning a QuickTake digital camera? How about a "Been There, Done That" Apple t-shirt? If you've created a home page using a Macintosh and are willing to write a short essay, be sure to enter Apple's new "Create the Best Page with Macintosh" contest. The contest has four categories and each category winner will receive a QuickTake. The categories are: Personal/Family, K-12 Education, Higher Education, and Business. Apple will use four criteria in judging the pages: overall design, originality, best use of technologies (i.e. QuickTime), and essay persuasiveness. The deadline for sending in your entry by email (to <>) is no later than 15-Jul-96. Unfortunately, the contest is restricted to U.S. residents; I hope to see future contests held on a world-wide basis. [TJE]


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