This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-06-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Win Prizes for Web Pages

by Tonya Engst

Win Prizes for Web Pages -- Interested in winning a QuickTake digital camera? How about a "Been There, Done That" Apple t-shirt? If you've created a home page using a Macintosh and are willing to write a short essay, be sure to enter Apple's new "Create the Best Page with Macintosh" contest. The contest has four categories and each category winner will receive a QuickTake. The categories are: Personal/Family, K-12 Education, Higher Education, and Business. Apple will use four criteria in judging the pages: overall design, originality, best use of technologies (i.e. QuickTime), and essay persuasiveness. The deadline for sending in your entry by email (to <>) is no later than 15-Jul-96. Unfortunately, the contest is restricted to U.S. residents; I hope to see future contests held on a world-wide basis. [TJE]