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Remove Excess Audio/Video from a Pear Note

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you used Pear Note to record a class or meeting, then forgot to stop the recording and ended up with an extra few hours that you didn't want, don't worry. You can crop off the extra recording. Just move the playhead to the end of what you want to keep, then select Crop Recording From Here from the Edit menu.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Bonus Stories for 10-Dec-07

Our bonus stories this week focus largely on fixing some of the irritations with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard's transparent menu bar and Stacks feature.

Adam, Tonya, and Andy Ihnatko on MacNotables -- After a long hiatus, Tonya and I and Andy Ihnatko connect with Chuck Joiner to record a two-part MacNotables podcast that ranges widely, as they always seem to. (Adam C. Engst, 2007-12-10)

Leopard Compatibility List Updated -- Curious about what programs have been updated for Leopard? Look inside for a list of the important or interesting programs that specifically claim Leopard compatibility. (TidBITS Staff, 2007-12-06)

Quay Sticks It to Stacks -- First the Dock lost its silly reflectiveness, then we blocked the menu bar's transparency. Now a new utility, Quay, lets you replace Stacks in the Leopard Dock with folders that have hierarchical menus - just like on, uh, Tiger, Panther, and every iteration of Mac OS X. Except Leopard. Except that Quay's hierarchical menus are cooler. (Matt Neuburg, 2007-11-27)

Accessing My Home Music Library with Simplify Media -- Frustrated by not being able to listen to your music across an Internet connection because of limitations in iTunes? Simplify Media has the answer. (Jeff Carlson, 2007-11-16)

Transparent Menu Bar, Die Die Die! -- The transparent menu bar has fallen, a victim of hackers' ingenuity. Users, rejoice! (Matt Neuburg, 2007-11-16)

A Simple Hack To Fix Leopard's Stacks -- Frustrated by how Spaces uses meaningless document icons in the Dock? Rich Mogull points you to the solution. (Rich Mogull, 2007-11-15)


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