Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.

Take Control News/13-Nov-06

Take Control Author Joe Kissell on TV -- Joe has written over a dozen of the Take Control ebooks, so it's likely you've seen his face on our Web site or at the back of one of his ebooks. Now, if you live in the San Francisco Bay area, you can see him live on television. Tune in to CBS-5 at 7 PM on Tuesday, November 14th to watch "Eye on the Bay." Joe will be on for one segment in which he'll be talking about "Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner," as well as about the San Francisco Food Bank, the worthy organization to which we are donating $1 from each copy of that ebook sold in November. The San Francisco Food Bank will be providing Thanksgiving meals for more than 42,000 individuals this year. To help them fight hunger, buy a book or go to


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