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Edit Remote Files in Your Favorite Utility with Fetch

If you use the Fetch FTP client and want to, for instance, edit remote .html files with one application but .css files with another, you can set this up easily: In Fetch, select a .html file and click the Get Info button on the toolbar. In the Get Info window, in the Transfer Option section, choose your desired program from the "Edit files like this with" pop-up menu. Repeat the procedure for a .css file, and you're ready to go!

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

TidBITS Week in CARS

Further cementing our status as the industry pundits best positioned to have our names used in fake quotes, Crazy Apple Rumors Site tapped TidBITS staffers not once, not twice, but three times last week - in a row! - while inventing expert commentary. On 06-Nov-06, TidBITS publisher and inveterate clubber Adam Engst suffered flashbacks to the mid-1990s dance scene for a piece on the new proof-of-concept Macarena virus. Then, on 07-Nov-06, in an election night special, TidBITS networking and political columnist Glenn Fleishman participated in a fake panel (with John Gruber and Shawn King) discussing what Apple would be like if Steve Jobs won re-election as CEO (which, as we all know now, was a foregone conclusion). Finally, Jeff Carlson, TidBITS managing editor and cultural commentator, mused on the fallout surrounding rumors of Justin Long being fired as the Mac in the "I'm a Mac" ad campaign, suggesting that without Long, he'd be forced to anthropomorphize his Mac as actress Jennifer Connolly (please promise not to tell his wife). Thanks to CARS editor in chief John Moltz for helping us say the kind of things we could never say in TidBITS, mostly because they're utterly fabricated and borderline insane. Keep up the good work, John.


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