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Show Hidden Files in Open/Save Dialogs in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, if you want to show otherwise hidden files in Open and Save dialog file lists, just press Command-Shift-period. Pressing it again hides the files.



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1Passwd Updated to Version 2.0

Last week Agile Web Solutions released 1Passwd 2.0, a major upgrade to the utility that helps manage passwords and uses a single set of data to fill forms in most Mac OS X Web browsers. The new version adds support for OmniWeb and DEVONagent, as well as a Secure Notes feature comparable to the one found in Apple's Keychain Assistant. This latter feature enables users to store securely any free-form data, such as serial numbers or confidential text snippets.

The version 2.0 upgrade is free for registered users. Otherwise, the software costs $30; a free trial version is available. In addition, purchasers of "Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X" receive a coupon for a $5 discount. The developer has stated that a free upgrade for Leopard compatibility will also be made available to all registered users after Mac OS X 10.5 ships.


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