Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.

Take Control News/10-Jan-05

We've been a little unhappy of late with how Take Control news has been appearing in TidBITS issues. It's not taking the place of other Mac content; our issues have just been getting longer. In an effort to make issues more coherent and easily scanned, we're moving short announcements and other articles about the Take Control project itself into this Take Control News section. Excerpts from new books that stand on their own as useful articles will continue to appear independently. Most of the items that appear here will be taken from our Take Control News weblog, which may carry other items about Take Control or electronic books. We'll see how it works out.


Take Control of Your AirPort Network 1.1.3 Released -- Just before Christmas, we pushed out a free update to Glenn Fleishman's "Take Control of Your AirPort Network," bringing it to version 1.1.3. If you haven't subscribed to the update list (and thus been informed already), click the Check for Updates button on the first page of your copy to load a Web page that lets you download the update. The update includes information about changing the name that appears for a printer connected to a USB port on your AirPort Express or AirPort Extreme Base Station, using WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption with WDS (Wireless Distribution System), using Keyspan's Express Remote control with an AirPort Express and iTunes, and how to turn off Ethernet and/or the AirPort interfaces using the latest firmware update. Glenn also updated the screen shots for the latest version of the AirPort Admin Utility 4.1 and added a pointer to a new list of AirPort-compatible printers that replaces the one Apple pulled.



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