Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

Visit Mobile Safari Tips and Tricks

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Security Update 2004-12-02 Released

Security Update 2004-12-02 Released -- Apple continues to release security updates, with Security Update 2004-12-02 rolling in fixes for numerous potential exploitsShow full article

Squeezebox Adds New Display, Features, Colors

Squeezebox Adds New Display, Features, Colors -- Slim Devices has spiced up the Squeezebox (see "Good Vibrations from the Squeezebox" in TidBITS-726)Show full article

EyeHome 1.5.1 Improves Interface, Media Support

EyeHome 1.5.1 Improves Interface, Media Support -- Elgato Systems' EyeHome media server has received a major update in the recently released 1.5.1 version (see "EyeHome: So Close, Yet So Far" in TidBITS-741)Show full article

USPS Click-N-Ship Now Mac-Compatible

USPS Click-N-Ship Now Mac-Compatible -- Thanks to Rob Faludi for passing on the information that the U.S. Postal Service Click-N-Ship program now works on the MacShow full article

Digital Photography: Correction & Follow-up

Digital Photography: Correction & Follow-up -- I would like to point out a mistake in my article "Sense & Sensors in Digital Photography" in TidBITS-751Show full article

DealBITS Drawing: Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack Pro

For many people outside of large cities, the Internet has revitalized radio, vastly increasing the amount of content - both spoken word and music - that's availableShow full article

iTunes Music Store Opens in Canada

At long last, Apple has opened the iTunes Music Store to iTunes users in Canada [1]. Not being an actual Canadian [2], I'm sure there are aspects to the Canadian iTunes Music Store that will escape me, but I did notice that the standard price per song will be CDN$0.99, or US$0.84 [3]Show full article

Apple Starts .Mac Affiliate Program

Apple has just launched the .Mac affiliate program: if someone signs up for .Mac by following a link on your site, you receive $15. It's that simple. Affiliate programs have been powerful tools for drawing in new customers for subscription and e-commerce retail stores because the goal in those cases is lifetime customer valueShow full article

Panorama V for Victory

Throughout the nearly 20 years of its history, ProVUE's flagship database application, Panorama, has been ahead of its time; now the times have caught up, and Panorama has risen to the challengeShow full article

Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, and Spam

In a recent AP story, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was quoted as saying that Bill Gates "literally receives 4 million pieces of email per day, most of it spam." Fascinating! It implies that Gates is still using the classic address, which makes no senseShow full article

Choosing Backup Software

When is a backup program not a backup program? A lot of software that calls itself "backup software" does not actually perform backups in the two key senses I discuss in my new ebook, "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups." That is to say, some backup programs do not create additive incremental archives of your files, some do not create bootable duplicates, and some do neither! The latter category includes, interestingly enough, Apple's own Backup application. Unfortunately, because software developers use terms such as "incremental," "archive," and "backup" differently, you may think you're getting certain capabilities when you buy a product that later turn out to be missingShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/06-Dec-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster. Problems with AirPort 4.1 -- After updating to AirPort 4.1, some users are having trouble with Wireless Distribution System (WDS)Show full article

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