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Dragging between Spaces

Juggling various applications within multiple Spaces? If you drag an application window to the edge of your screen and pause for a moment, Mac OS X will move the window into the space that lives in that direction.

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OmniWeb 5.1 Ships

OmniWeb 5.1 Ships -- The Omni Group has released OmniWeb 5.1, an update to its full-featured Web browser (see "OmniWeb 5.0: The Powerful Web Browser" in TidBITS-742). This version incorporates numerous fixes, but most notably integrates Apple's latest WebCore rendering engine for improved performance and rendering compatibility (OmniWeb is built on top of Apple's WebCore framework, which are also used by Safari). OmniWeb 5.1 is a free update to current registered users; a new license costs $30, and upgrades from versions earlier than 5.0 cost $10. A fully functional 30-day demo is available as a 5.9 MB download. [JLC]

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