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Stylin' a Word Comment Balloon

If you work with Word's Comment feature, you may find that the comment-balloon text is too small to work with, or you may just want some variety. To modify the style, choose Format > Style. From the List pop-up menu, choose All Styles. Select Balloon Text from the Style list. Modify the style as you like, and then click Apply. I like Arial Narrow, 12 point.



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QuicKeys X2 Beefs Up Macros

QuicKeys X2 Beefs Up Macros -- CE Software has released QuicKeys X2, the latest Mac OS X version of their long-standing macro utility (see "QuicKeys X: Return of the Ghost" in TidBITS-602). Along with a redesigned interface, this release brings to Mac OS X capabilities that previously existed only in the classic version of QuicKeys. For instance, QuicKeys X2 can now watch your actions and record them for later playback, which simplifies making multiple-step shortcuts. More automated tasks have returned as well, so you can now store and retrieve images and text within shortcuts, find and activate buttons by name or location, and find and access pop-up menus by name or location. The return of some programming constructs, including repeat loops, waiting for user actions, and feedback dialogs, will also make multiple-step shortcuts significantly more powerful. Other improvements and new features include customizable date and time formats, a shortcut debugger that runs through multiple step shortcuts one step at a time, an inspector window that helps you configure shortcut behavior, tabbed toolbars, and more control over which applications are affected by specific shortcuts. QuicKeys X2 requires Mac OS X 10.2.3 or later. It costs $100, with upgrades between $20 and $70, depending on your current version of QuicKeys. A 30-day trial version is available as a 10.5 MB download. [ACE]

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