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Copy Excel Selection as a Picture

Want to show someone a chunk of an Excel spreadsheet via email or iChat? You could take a screenshot, but if you want to show just a portion of the Excel window and you don't use a utility like Snapz Pro, you can do this right from within Excel 2008. Make a selection, hold down the Shift key, and choose Copy Picture from the Edit menu. You can select whether the selection will be rendered as though it was shown on screen or as though it was printed. Then just switch to your desired destination and paste.



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Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.0.3 Released

Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.0.3 Released -- Users of Power On Software's versatile calendar and contact information manager can download Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.0.3. This maintenance release fixes a trio of bugs that caused printing problems and made the Meeting Availability option inaccessible. The updater is a 2.6 MB download, and is free for registered users of version 4.0 and above. [JLC]

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