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Easy Fetch Upload

If you want to upload an open file (e.g. in Photoshop or BBEdit) to a remote server via the Fetch FTP client, you can use drag-and drop without switching to the Finder. Just drag the small document icon in the window title bar to a Fetch window. If the icon won't drag, make sure the file is saved.

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

First Trojan Horse Hits Palm Platform

First Trojan Horse Hits Palm Platform -- According to McAfee Associates, a Trojan Horse has been discovered that affects users of Palm OS-based handheld devices, such as those from Palm, Handspring, IBM, TRG, and Sony. (A Trojan Horse is a program that hides malicious intent behind something that appears desirable. Unlike a virus, which most outlets have been calling this problem, a Trojan Horse spreads when a user deliberately installs it, thinking it's something it isn't.) The LibertyCrack Trojan Horse masquerades as a tool designed to defeat the shareware protection of the legitimate software Liberty, which lets Palm OS users run Nintendo GameBoy games. Instead, it attempts to delete all applications from the handheld and reboot it. On a Palm OS handheld, the Trojan Horse will appear in the Applications launcher with the same icon as the Liberty application and the name "Crack 1.1." [MHA]

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