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Open Multiple Items from Stacks

Want to open multiple items from a stack in the Dock? Hold down the Option key while clicking them to keep the stack visible while the documents open.

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Web Companion 5.0v4 Plugs FileMaker Holes

Web Companion 5.0v4 Plugs FileMaker Holes -- FileMaker Inc. has released Web Companion 5.0v4 to address the substantial Internet security holes in FileMaker Pro 5 and FileMaker Pro 5 Unlimited. (See "FileMaker 5 Internet Security Holes" in TidBITS-529.) Web Companion 5.0v4 honors field-level security settings, preventing miscreants from retrieving the contents of any field in a Web-published database using FileMaker 5's XML publishing capabilities or via email. The update also prevents FileMaker Pro 5 from being used to send anonymous email by disabling some of FileMaker 5's new email capabilities. The update is 573K and is recommended for all users of FileMaker Pro 5 and FileMaker Pro 5 Unlimited who use Web Companion. [GD]

< webcompanion.html>


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