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Simplify Similar Syncs with ChronoSync Templates

You can create an unlimited number of ChronoSync documents with numerous settings and options that control your synchronizations. If you find yourself needing to create many similar ChronoSync documents, consider using templates.

Just create a ChronoSync document and set all the options the way you want them. Choose File > Save as Template to save the ChronoSync document as a template, and then open it in the future when creating a new ChronoSync document.

Search on "template" in ChronoSync Help for all the details.

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AppleShare IP 6.3.2 Shuts Security Hole

AppleShare IP 6.3.2 Shuts Security Hole -- Apple Computer has released AppleShare IP 6.3.2, a small but important update designed to fix a potential security problem in the Web server module of AppleShare IP 6.1 and laterShow full article

AppleWorks 6.0.3 Update Released

AppleWorks 6.0.3 Update Released -- Apple has released AppleWorks 6.0.3, a free maintenance update to the English versions of AppleWorks 6. The update improves stability to the latest version of Apple's integrated suite of tools, updating the AppleWorks application, the Envelope Assistant, and the CarbonLib system extensionShow full article

Communicator 4.73 Allegedly Fills Security Holes

Communicator 4.73 Allegedly Fills Security Holes -- Netscape has released Netscape Communicator 4.73, which, according to Netscape engineer Steve Dagley, addresses two security problems: the JavaScript Cookie Exploit and the Acros-Suencksen SSL Vulnerability briefly documented on the Netscape Security Notes pageShow full article

Quiz Preview: Port Authority

Quiz Preview: Port Authority -- Over the years, the Macintosh has sported a wide variety of ports for connecting peripherals and extending the computer's capabilitiesShow full article

Poll Results: Collateral Spammage

Poll Results: Collateral Spammage -- About 1,200 people voted in last week's poll that asked how many unsolicited commercial email messages you received per week on averageShow full article

Migrating to New Climes with PowerMail

As a freelance translator, I rely heavily on email to stay in touch with my customers and to transfer files back and forth. For the more than five years I've been using the Internet, Claris Emailer has been my tool of choiceShow full article

It's a Keeper (Idea Keeper, That Is)

Computers are marvelous at storage and retrieval of information, so why are some things so hard to keep track of? You probably know where you put the draft of your novel, or that letter to your congressmanShow full article

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