Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Add Slides to Pear Note from Other Applications

If you have some slides in any application, and you'd like to add them to a Pear Note document, there's no need to save them out and then import them into Pear Note. Instead, you can send them directly to Pear Note through a PDF service. For instance, if you had slides in Keynote, just:

  1. Select Print within Keynote.
  2. Click the PDF button.
  3. Select Send PDF to Pear Note.

This can also be used to import other document types into Pear Note to take notes on them as well.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Announces $233 Million Profit and 2-for-1 Split

Apple Announces $233 Million Profit and 2-for-1 Split -- Last week, Apple Computer announced a $233 million profit for its second fiscal quarter of the yearShow full article

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