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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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Macworld Expo Events

We're about to head into the chaotic frenzy that is Macworld Expo. Although the best laid schedules often fall by the wayside, here are a few events in which we're participating, plus a link to the Robert Hess Memorial Party List.

Eudora VQS Book Signing 08-Jan-98 -- In my "Eudora Tips & Tricks" article in TidBITS-405, I promised to be at the Peachpit Press booth at Macworld Expo. The schedule has been set up, and I'll be signing copies of my Eudora Visual QuickStart Guide on Thursday, 08-Jan-98 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, so stop by and say hello! Tonya and Jeff Carlson will probably be around as well.


1998 Netter's Dinner at Macworld Expo -- If you're interested in attending the 1998 Netter's Dinner at Macworld Expo, visit Jon Pugh's Netter's Dinner Web page for information and a link to the Kagi-based signup form ($16 per person) for the necessary pre-registration. Since Jon isn't able to attend this year, I will be emceeing the dinner and performing the ritual domain survey. At 6:30 PM on Thursday, 08-Jan-98, gather at the top of the escalators inside Moscone on the south side of Howard Street. After everyone has gathered, we'll make the traditional walk to the Hunan (on Sansome and Broadway) in an impressively large crowd.

< nettersdinner.html>

Robert Hess Memorial Party List Online -- Ilene Hoffman has once again posted the Robert Hess Memorial Party List, a list of parties and other events at this week's Macworld Expo. Robert was a MacWEEK editor who produced the party list before every Macworld Expo; he passed away 12-Jan-96 from complications due to pneumonia. To add an event to the list, use the submission form on the list's Web site.

< partylist.html>
< partyform.html>


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