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Single Time Machine Backups

Tired of Time Machine running all the time? You can turn it off in the Time Machine preference pane, but still initiate a single backup by choosing Back Up Now from Time Machine's menu bar icon. Of course, your backup is much less likely to be up to date, but Time Machine won't be taking any resources while you're trying to work.

Submitted by
Richard Kane



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

CE Ships QuickMessenger

Fulfilling an old promise to allow integration between QuickMail and non-mail applications, CE Software recently announced QuickMessenger, an API (or application programming interface) that will allow developers to enable their applications to send QuickMail messages.

QuickMessenger includes eleven routines that may be called by any application to perform such operations as sending messages or files, searching for user addresses via the NameServer, looking up the contents of QuickMail address books or groups, and obtaining lists of MailCenters and zones. According to QuickMessenger engineer Van Kichline, the API "is designed to be a simple but very robust step toward providing complete QuickMail access to third party applications." QuickMessenger does not yet allow applications to receive messages, but the Inside QuickMail API, which allows developers to create gateways, bridges, or other utilities that run within QuickMail itself, does allow third-party software to receive and process messages.

One third-party product that will take advantage of QuickMessenger is QM Log Translator, from MDG Computer Services. This is a customized 4th Dimension database that summarizes the mail activity logs typically sent to the QuickMail custodian. The database can generate reports and can send notices to users who are taking up more than their share of space on the server's hard disk.

Another utility that QuickMessenger will enhance is DiskTwin, an expansion card (in NuBus and PDS configurations) from Golden Triangle Computers, Inc., that allows a Macintosh to write all data to two hard disks simultaneously. With this product, QuickMessenger will allow a network manager or system administrator to receive instant notification in the event of a disk failure.

The QuickMessenger software developer kit, including documentation, source code examples, and the QuickMessenger Tool Kit, is available from CE for $125. The Inside QuickMail API is still available for $100. Purchasers of either package must sign a trade-secret agreement with CE Software because of the nature of the information that is included in the documentation.

CE Software, Inc. - 515/224-1995
MDG Computer Services -- 708/818-9991
Golden Triangle Computers, Inc. -- 619/279-2100

Information from:
Sue Nail -- CE Software


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