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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

NUM Upgrade Costs Updated

Sendhil Revuluri recently pointed out that we published an incomplete set of upgrade prices for Norton Utilities for Macintosh (NUM) 2.0. Symantec is offering a lower price to registered users of Norton Utilities 1.1 (as opposed to users of SUM II or NUM 1.0), so if you purchased that package, you can upgrade for only $20. I've read reports of Symantec denying the existence of this offer, so I confirmed this information with a Symantec customer service representative.

If you own SUM II or NUM 1.0, the upgrade cost is $39 plus $8 for shipping and handing. If you own NUM 1.1, the cost is $20, (plus $8, I presume, for shipping and handling). On the form I received in the mail, Symantec also offered a competitive upgrade of $59 for MacTools Deluxe owners, but the customer service person at Symantec denied that there were any competitive upgrades. Go figure. I also presume (based on the information TidBITS used to publish its original article) that if you purchased SUM II or NUM 1.1 after 20-Jan-92 (and can prove it), that you only pay the $8 shipping charge.

But wait, there's more. The guy at Symantec confirmed that users who paid the $39 fee when they were entitled to the $20 price can get a $19 refund from Symantec. All I can think is that someone at Symantec completely forgot about users of NUM 1.1 having already paid for one upgrade since there was no mention of the $20 upgrade in any of the user or press information I've received from Symantec. Call Symantec for details on the refund, and if they balk, tell them that one of their reps told a member of the press about it. It would be nice in the future if Symantec could make upgrading less confusing by figuring out upgrade policies in advance.

Symantec -- 800/343-4714 -- 408/252-3570 (outside U.S.)

Information from:
Sendhil Revuluri --
Symantec propaganda


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