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View Full Threads in Apple Mail

Many users are aware of Apple Mail's message threading feature, which highlights related email messages within the Inbox. However, many people don't know how to view both sent and received messages within a thread at once. To do so, first enable Message Threading under Mail's Viewing Preferences. Then, Command-click both the mailbox containing your threaded messages, and your Sent box. Now you can view both sent and received messages within the thread simultaneously.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardetto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

AutoDoubler Support from Fifth

AutoDoubler Support from Fifth -- Robert Hess passes on this note. "FileDirector 3.1 from Fifth Generation Systems includes a brand new version of DiskTools which, among other enhancements, includes additional support for DiskDoubler and AutoDoubler from Salient Software. DiskTools has a new checkbox in the Preferences dialog called Show Indicator on Compressed Files. If this checkbox is turned on, DiskTools will:

  1. Stamp the "DD" on the icon for compressed files in the main DiskTools File/Folder list and in the File/Folder Info dialog.

  2. Show the actual disk space occupied by compressed AutoDoubler or DiskDoubler files in the main DiskTools File/Folder list NOT their uncompressed sizes (like you see when you Get Info in the Finder).

    These two are useful for determining from within DiskTools which files are compressed (and by how much) and which are not, information that can be extremely useful to know at times.

  3. Copy compressed DiskDoubler files in their compressed state.

Why is this pretty cool? Because those of you who use AutoDoubler & AppleTalk Remote Access can use DiskTools to perform faster copies by using DiskTools instead of the Finder. Then again, the "hacked" Finder that increases throughput/cache-size, or 7th Heaven, will still do better." [It's nice to see some third parties supporting each other in their products directly because it makes customized Mac environments more seamless. -Adam]

Information from:
Robert Hess --


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