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Add Slides to Pear Note from Other Applications

If you have some slides in any application, and you'd like to add them to a Pear Note document, there's no need to save them out and then import them into Pear Note. Instead, you can send them directly to Pear Note through a PDF service. For instance, if you had slides in Keynote, just:

  1. Select Print within Keynote.
  2. Click the PDF button.
  3. Select Send PDF to Pear Note.

This can also be used to import other document types into Pear Note to take notes on them as well.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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CE Updates

CE Updates -- Mark H. Anbinder passes on this information. "CE Software, Inc., has just announced that the company is now shipping System 7 compatibility upgrades for its products DiskTop, In/Out, and Amazing PaintShow full article

Inspiration Corroboration

Tad Davis writes: Kudos for the review of Inspiration. I've been a user of this program for some time, and was in fact one of the beta testers for the most recent versionShow full article

Virex Corrected

Jeffrey L. Needleman passes along this note from Microcom. The following is a revised version of the UDV (user defined virus) code necessary to update Virex 3.x to detect the recently discovered CODE 252 virus. The original UDV falsely identified the virus in a number of files under specific conditionsShow full article

StyleWriter Update

Matt Neuburg writes: It appears that the problems some applications are having with StyleWriter 7.2.2 are the fault of those applications, not of AppleShow full article

Tune-Up Rationale

Greg Marriott of Apple writes about why Apple decided not to install the disappearing files fix into the System file directly: "Actually, it may seem like a no-brainer to just install the fix in the System and leave it at thatShow full article


Hatred is not dead. I'm sure that surprises none of you, but it always bothers me, especially when people use computers to spread hatred. The most recent examples would only be interesting for their trivia value were it not for their closeness in time and the fact that both cases directly involve Microsoft. Several weeks ago on the Info-Mac mailing list, a discussion list dedicated to things Macintosh, Gann Matsuda posted that he had noticed that the spelling checker in Microsoft Word 5.0 suggests "Nips" as a replacement for "Nisei." Now, "Nisei" means "second-generation Americans of Japanese ancestry," but more to the point, "nips" is derogatory slang for "Japanese-American." Based on a posting Gann made later, I don't believe he was implying in any way that Microsoft is racist, merely that this was an unfortunate coincidence that could have been avoided had "Nisei" been in Word's dictionaryShow full article

Berkeley Announces Winners

[Speaking of an entertaining and often stunning use for computers... -Adam] Berkeley Systems, Inc., has just announced the winners of its 1992 After Dark Display ContestShow full article

In Search of Stickybear

(or Don't Rush Out and Buy SoftPC, Yet) by Tom Hirasuna -- thomas@HERMES.CHEME.CORNELL.EDU Although I have used personal computers for over ten years, only recently did I become aware of the many children's educational programs (my son Jeff is now 5)Show full article

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