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Open Files from BBEdit Subversion Log

When you use BBEdit's Subversion client capabilities to update the working copy of your Subversion repository, BBEdit always displays the Subversion.log file, showing any changes. If you want to work on one of the files that appears as being added or updated, just select the full pathname and choose File > Open Selection (or just hit Command-D). This trick should also work any time you see a pathname within a BBEdit document.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Microsoft Creativity

Microsoft Creativity -- Mark Zimmermann posted this to Info-Mac digest recently. "Saw an amusing quote in a New York Times wire service item earlier this week... In regards to Intel and Microsoft teaming up to sell full-motion video products for IBM-compatible PCs, Hugh Chang, Microsoft's manager for multimedia products said:

'The Macintosh has been accepted by the creative
community. That market isn't very interesting to us.'"

[Yup, and remember, us creative Macintosh types can't write good either 'cause we be too busy playing with our cute little fonts. Apple said something about being pecked to death by ducks, I'd like to amend that to feeling like being pecked to death by turkeys, something I actually have some experience in, having raised turkeys in my youth. - Adam]

Information from:
Mark Zimmermann --


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