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Do you ever find that you don't have time to read those long email missives from Aunt Carol, but really do want to see the photos that she has lovingly attached? In Apple Mail, click the Quick Look button located in the message header. You'll get an easily browsed view of just the attached photos, and you can even add them to iPhoto, if you like!



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Easy View 2.22

Akif Eyler recently released Easy View 2.22, a nice upgrade from version 2.1. Easy View 2.22 is a free program that indexes text files located in the same folder as the index document, and then allows you to browse and search through the set of files. Since Easy View supports the setext format we use for TidBITS, it is ideal for browsing through back issues. Easy View's unusual method of indexing the files (rather than creating its own data file containing all the text) means you get quick access to the files, a small index document, and no chance of being able to damage or modify one of the original files.

Foremost among Easy View's new features is the ability to deal with more types of structured text files, most notably CompuServe Navigator archives, basic Internet email (Easy View works well with mailboxes created by ICE Engineering's uAccess UUCP mail program), and even RICEMAIL NOTEBOOKs for those of you still using CMS machines.

If you want to index a file type not included with Easy View, you can define your own, although it's not a trivial process, and you may have to ask Akif for help. Still, the capability is there.

Another functional addition to the program is simple printing, although I must admit to not having used this yet. I seldom print and prefer to keep things online - that's why I like Easy View in the first place! Akif also added a "Set Bookmark" command to the Navigation menu to make it easy to flip to another place.

Although Easy View hasn't changed its look much, Akif improved its interface and appearance. First, you can now resize the panes that hold the issue names, article names, and article text fields with the mouse, as you would expect in a Macintosh application. Second, you can modify the font and size of the text via new Font and Size menus.

Easy View 2.22 may not appear to be a tremendous upgrade, but the ability to deal with more file formats makes it a must-have upgrade for everyone who used Easy View 2.1. And, at $0.00, the price is right. Once again, thanks to Akif for a job well done!

Last week, I distributed the file to the Internet (at sumex in the /apps directory), CompuServe (in MACAPP) ZiffNet/Mac (in ZMC:DOWNTECH), and America Online (in the Macintosh Hardware Forum file libraries [MHW]). Please feel free to redistribute to other sites so everyone can upgrade.

Information from:
Akif Eyler -- eyler@trbilun.bitnet


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