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Using Keyboard Commands While Screen Sharing

In Snow Leopard, screen sharing now properly transfers all keyboard commands to the remote server. For example, the Command-Tab application switcher switches applications only on the remote system's screen.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 158 Next: TidBITS 160

SyQuest 3.5" Units

SyQuest 3.5" Units -- Daniel Andresen sent this information about SyQuest drives: "I spoke with a SyQuest rep a Macworld Expo, and she confirmed that the 3.5" 105 MB SyQuest units would be out "within ninety days." She said only the IDE version was finished at this time, with the SCSI version to followShow full article

IIvx & A/UX

In an effort to clarify Mark's article on the incompatibility between the IIvx and Apple's Unix operating system, A/UX 3.0 (TidBITS-157), Pythaeus writes: The Mac IIvx does not run A/UX 3.0 for the same reason that System 6 does not run on the Quadra 700: the CPU was released long after the system software shipped, so the operating system (OS) can't possibly know about the addresses and capabilities of the new hardwareShow full article

FirstClass Deal Clarification

Maury Markowitz of SoftArc writes: I saw the note about the FirstClass upgrade in TidBITS-157. I'd like to clarify my poorly written CompuServe statement. SoftArc has two pricing schemes for FirstClassShow full article

Darker Video Toaster Reality

Matthew B Cravit writes: I noticed a comment in TidBITS-158 about the Video Toaster. You commented that it becomes an increasingly sophisticated and cool systemShow full article

New Printers & Scanner

Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers Inc. Months ago, when Apple announced that the StyleWriter printers would be in short supply, some suspected Apple wouldn't manufacture more to meet the unexpected demand because it had a replacement waiting in the wingsShow full article

Booth Bimbos

Those of you who have gone to Macworld have encountered the booth bimbo phenomenon. It's not a sexist phenomenon as such, applying equally to the pretty young men and women who work as scenery at various boothsShow full article

Booth Bimbos on CD-ROM?

The last Expo in Boston was the first time we saw pornography seriously hit CD-ROM, with BodyCello displaying the first QuickTime adult movies. I wasn't surprised to see that, but this year a startling number of vendors hawked X-rated waresShow full article

Now Up-to-Date 2.0

I'm particular about calendar applications. I want complete power over repeating events, the ability to create to do items with varying levels of priority, non-modal reminders that won't interrupt my automated email procedures, and the ability to easily see what's coming up in the next week or soShow full article

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