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Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

Visit Mobile Safari Tips and Tricks

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Trojan Warning

Frederic Rinaldi warns: "I have been told that a Trojan Horse stack named "Hermes Optimizer 1.1" has been distributed through the Olympus BBS. The addresses appearing in the About are 70142,210 (CompuServe - my mail was read but I received no reply) and FARRADAY1 (AppleLink - this address seems not to exist). I have received the stack and carefully traced it. The stack claims to "decrease the level of fragmentation in your Hermes Shared file", but it in fact RENAMES ALL FILES on the hard disk, MOVES DIRECTORIES and then DELETES THEM ALL. To do its disgusting stuff, the stack uses many of my XCMDs/XFCNs, and special thanks for my externals appear (!!), along with my name. Please note that I have nothing to do with this sh..., and was never contacted by this criminal fool before its release. Watch out for it."

Information from:
Frederic Rinaldi --


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