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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Free CD

CD-ROMs are the rage these days, and Apple just added a new twist with its new AppleLink CD. Since a CD based on an online service rapidly becomes obsolete, I find the CD a tad pricey at $299 per year (or $649 for multiple users), though AppleLink itself is a bit expensive as well. The CD includes the technical information library as well as product data, public articles, bulletin board conferences, and documentation for solutions to hardware and software problems. The CD also offers technical, marketing, and support materials from more than 400 third-party vendors, along with 15 MB of Apple software updates and selections of freeware and shareware.

As a hook, Apple is giving away free sample versions of the CD until 31-Dec-92. I have no idea if the sample CD is crippled, but hey, if it's free it can't be all bad, right? To order, call Apple Online Services and ask nicely.

Apple Online Services -- 408/974-3309

Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder, Contributing Editor --


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