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Copy Disk Image as Folder

When you open a .dmg file, a disk image is mounted. You are then generally supposed to copy the contents of that disk image to your hard drive (to your Desktop, your Applications folder, or wherever). But what if you want to copy the whole disk image, including all its contents, as a folder? Hold the Option key, and drag the "proxy icon" in the title bar of the disk image window to the destination in the Finder.

Submitted by
Matt Neuburg



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Virus Complacency

Virus Complacency -- Though there are few Macintosh viruses (especially in comparison to the PC world), in the last few weeks I've received several reports of virus-infected CD-ROMs or files (the most recent one an upload caught by alert Info-Mac archivist Michael Bean). Although all the viruses were old and easily handled by John Norstad's free Disinfectant 3.6, I believe many Macintosh users have been lulled into complacency by the minimal virus problems of late. In addition, many people have become Mac users in the last few years, and thus missed the era when most Macintosh viruses appeared. Most existing Macintosh viruses aren't particularly dangerous, but it's always worth running an anti-virus program. For more information on the different viruses, read Disinfectant's excellent online manual by selecting Disinfectant Help from the Apple menu. If you feel like spending money (we at TidBITS recommend and use Disinfectant), check out commercial virus protection software like Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh and Datawatch's Virex for Macintosh. [ACE]

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