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Adjust Multiple Column Sizes Simultaneously

Within the Finder, Column View enables you to see folder hierarchies, with each subsequent level getting its own column. Dragging on the double lines at the base of a column divider changes the preceding column's width. But Option-drag on any divider, and all the columns in the window change to the same width.

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Sharon Zardetto



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Newton Connection Utilities 1.0

Newton Connection Utilities 1.0 -- In TidBITS-379, David Gewirtz complained that a beta version of Newton Connection Utilities shipped with the MessagePad 2000 (and the eMate 300). Apple just released an updater to Newton Connection Utilities 1.0, which updates NCU 1.0b6 to version 1.0. If you've used the beta version to synchronize between your PDA and desktop machine, Apple recommends that you run another synchronization right before updating NCU. The download weights in at 4.8 MB. [ACE]


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