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Single Time Machine Backups

Tired of Time Machine running all the time? You can turn it off in the Time Machine preference pane, but still initiate a single backup by choosing Back Up Now from Time Machine's menu bar icon. Of course, your backup is much less likely to be up to date, but Time Machine won't be taking any resources while you're trying to work.

Submitted by
Richard Kane



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Faster CD-ROM access

Faster CD-ROM access is promised by PLI's upcoming 15X CD-ROM drive, based on a PLI-designed mechanism rather than the typical OEM product. The SCSI device, which works in Macintosh, DOS, and Sun environments, provides data transfer of up to 2.25 MB per second and an effective access time of 40 milliseconds (ms), much faster than the 300K per second transfer rate and 300 ms access time offered by drives such as Apple's double-speed CD300. The drive should be available within a month or so, and the list price will be around $1,300. [Pythaeus]


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