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Teach Fetch New AppleScript Tricks

Want to use AppleScript to get more out of the Fetch FTP client? Try the Fetch 5 Example Scripts collection. You can use any script as provided, use them as a learning tool, or use them as a starting point for your own scripts.

Visit the Fetch download page



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Just a quick note to let people know that the mirror script for the utilities directory on now works properly, so it holds Internet and communication utilities from various parts of the Info-Mac Archive. Show full article

Power Mac 8100/110

Power Mac 8100/110 -- Look for Apple to announce a new, faster Power Mac 8100 next week. The Power Mac 8100/110 uses a 110 MHz PowerPC 601 chip, has a 256K cache, and will ship in a configuration with 16 MB of RAM, a 2 GB hard drive, and 2 MB of VRAMShow full article

The Connectix QuickCam

The Connectix QuickCam (see TidBITS-235) ships 31-Oct-94, just in time to be a last-minute Halloween treat. The company says the initial batch of finished cameras will go to customers who placed orders with MacConnection during the Macworld Expo in Boston this August, and they hope to have all existing orders filled by the end of NovemberShow full article

AOCE Mailing List

Gavin Eadie writes: There has been an increasing amount of interest expressed in the Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE) in various newsgroups recentlyShow full article

Barney Blaster 2.0

Karl Bunker , the author of the freeware After Dark module "Barney Blaster" last week released Barney Blaster 2.0, an updated version of one of the most popular After Dark modules featuring everyone's favorite purple dinosaurShow full article

PlainTalk Easter Egg

PlainTalk Easter Egg -- Marcus Stewart passes on an Easter Egg that we hadn't heard about yet. Apparently, if, using PlainTalk 1.3, you ask, "Computer, are there any Easter Eggs?" it will respond with "If there were any do you think I would tell you?" Nice to have computers that are up front about all thisShow full article

International Internet Initiatives

Last week's article about free Internet access in Bologna, Italy prompted a number of responses from other parts of the world that are also providing free Internet access to citizens, as well as a comment about Bologna's history of innovation. Frans Hoffman writes: The Digital City in Amsterdam has been offering free access in Amsterdam and surroundings since January 1st, 1994Show full article

The Gold Standard

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. Expressing a tongue-in-cheek belief that "everyone should be able to afford gold," Global Village Communication earlier this month announced its new TelePort Gold II modem, with a suggested retail price of $155Show full article

Page When? PageNOW!

This July, Mark/Space Softworks announced that its new wireless messaging software, PageNOW, would soon be available. Mark/Space showed a pre-release version at August's Macworld Expo in Boston, and soon thereafter shipped an "Early Adopter" version while continuing development on a final versionShow full article

Macintosh File and Application Preservation: Mac Control

"I hate surprises." At least that's what I tell my high school students when they want to change the Macintosh environment in the eighty or so computers for which I am responsibleShow full article

Beam Up QuickTime VR

When I learned that my personal hero, Professor Stephen W. Hawking, had sat in the center seat of USS Enterprise and looked around from that vantage point, I was jealousShow full article

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