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Mac OS X Zip Expanding Utility

Firefox (and possibly other applications) may ask you what you want to do with .zip archives that you download from the Internet. If you want to expand them with Mac OS X (rather than StuffIt Expander), you may be unsure of which application actually does the job. You're looking for Archive Utility (in Leopard) or BOMArchiveHelper (in Tiger). In either case, the application is stored in Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/. Don't move it from there, though, or you'll confuse matters.



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MacInTax Update

MacInTax Update -- Intuit, makers of the MacInTax tax software package, have written to update the situation on the MacInTax itemization bug reported in TidBITS-261. To restate, the bug occurs when importing a TXF file into MacInTax from another source (most likely Quicken) and when that TXF file has 30 or more items within a single category. In this case, every 30th item in each category will not make it into MacInTax, although the MacInTax import log will report that all the items were imported successfully. (Intuit says Schedule D is a special case and is not affected by the bug). MacInTax users should contact Intuit to obtain a version of MacInTax with the itemization bug fixed. MacInTax support can be reached at 602/295-3080 or at <>. [GD]


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