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Copy Disk Image as Folder

When you open a .dmg file, a disk image is mounted. You are then generally supposed to copy the contents of that disk image to your hard drive (to your Desktop, your Applications folder, or wherever). But what if you want to copy the whole disk image, including all its contents, as a folder? Hold the Option key, and drag the "proxy icon" in the title bar of the disk image window to the destination in the Finder.

Submitted by
Matt Neuburg



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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AOL Mirror Site Opens

AOL Mirror Site Opens -- America Online continues to show that it intends to be a serious member of the Internet community with its latest service, a large FTP mirror siteShow full article

FullWrite Update and Demo

FullWrite Update and Demo -- If you've never tried FullWrite 2.0, now is your chance - Akimbo Systems has released a demo version. If you already use FullWrite 2.0 or 2.0.1, now is the time to get the 2.0.2 updateShow full article

Finger URLs

Peter Lewis writes in regard to fingering for earthquake information: You can also just paste Finger URLs into Finger 1.5.0 [Peter's Finger MacTCP-based Finger client], or, if you see them in a Usenet news posting that you're reading with NewsWatcher, you can just Command-click the URL to pass the URL to FingerShow full article

NewtonGifts Starts Up

Carsten Klapp writes: Our online service is in the process of starting up a NewtonGifts file distribution system similar to MacGifts , which forwards freeware and shareware Macintosh file submissions to an interested group of FTP sites and BBSes. If your FTP site or BBS is interested in participating, either as a re-forwarder or just as a subscriber, please contact me. Please note that this is only for Internet FTP sites and BBSes with a direct link to the InternetShow full article

Customer Service Tales

We don't like to continually pass on tales of customer service bliss and woe, but we do receive a fair number of them, and every now and then it seems appropriate to pass on the more interesting ones. Chad Magendanz writes: I recently received 50 copies of the MacZone catalogShow full article

A digitalNation Network

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. digitalNation, a FirstClass-based online service operated by Computer Services Group, Inc., (CSGI) is now available locally in the Miami area and worldwide on the Internet. CSGI is one of the first organizations to take full advantage of SoftArc's new TCP/IP-capable FirstClass Server software, version 2.6, released last year (see TidBITS-252)Show full article

Earthquake Comments

There certainly seems to be plenty of interest in earthquakes and the Internet. I received a number of requests to reprint last weeks article about earthquakes (TidBITS-261), along with a "Nice Timing!" note from Carl Bowser of the University of Wisconsin, who used the article as a handout about what could be done on the Internet for a class in "Computer Applications in the Earth Sciences." Here then, are some of the more interesting comments and pointers. Stefan Kukula writes: Thanks for your description of what you did after your earthquakeShow full article

TFLX: Iconic Voice Mail for the Macintosh

A company like mine, with more than one location and seven people trying to retrieve messages while out of the office, presents significant phone management difficultiesShow full article

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