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Improve Apple Services with AirPort Base Stations

You can make iChat file transfers, iDisk, and Back to My Mac work better by turning on a setting with Apple AirPort base stations released starting in 2003. Launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, click Manual Setup, choose the Internet view, and click the NAT tab. Check the Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) box, and click Update. NAT-PMP lets your Mac OS X computer give Apple information to connect back into a network that's otherwise unreachable from the rest of the Internet. This speeds updates and makes connections work better for services run by Apple.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


Adam suggested that I let people know how I'm doing after my car accident last October. People take months (if not years) to recover from whiplash, and the medical people I'm seeing are pleased with my progress. Since late December, I've been well enough to go about life normally, but I am still noticeably healing. My neck hurts sometimes, usually late at night, and it feels wobbly if I bend it the wrong way. I'm under doctor's orders to exercise (so I'm getting back in shape after an eight-year lapse from my cross-country running days!), I'm doing a some physical therapy, and I'm enjoying weekly therapeutic massages.

The most important breakthrough in the recovery, oddly enough, was realizing that if I made weird faces with my mouth open, I stretched jaw and neck muscles that desperately needed to stretch. After that, I could open my mouth normally and escaped the danger of having to wear extremely unpleasant-looking orthodontic devices. Thanks to everyone who wished me a speedy recovery! [TJE]


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