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Move Multiple Windows Simultaneously in Spaces

Command-drag a window in Spaces to move all windows associated with the dragged window's application to a new space. Control-drag will do the same thing, and will also preserve the same screen position in the space in which you drop the windows.

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It's All About Trust

It's All About Trust -- Microsoft is in court again today, this time in Washington D.C., for an appellate hearing regarding U.S. District Judge Stanley Sporkin's rejection of an anti-trust settlement reached by Microsoft and the U.S. Justice Department. (See TidBITS-264 for details.) In an interesting development, Anthony L. Martin, Executive Director of an organization rather blatantly called "The Committee To Fight Microsoft Corporation," held a news conference this morning on the steps of the U.S Court of Appeals. The subject? An initial draft of a bill which would require the break-up of Microsoft under U.S. anti-trust laws to put a stop to its "uncompetitive activity." Martin claims his organization has been promised the bill will be sponsored in the U.S. House of Representatives as soon as it's assembled in proper form. [GD]


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