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Use Expose to Open Files Quickly

Looking for an easy way to drag a file into a hidden application? First enter Expose's All Windows mode by hitting F9, then hover over an application's window while dragging your file, pause for a moment (or press the Space bar) and that window will spring to the foreground enabling you to open the file within that application.

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Relax, It's Still A Hoax

Relax, It's Still A Hoax -- Rumors are circulating once again about a virus called "Good Times" being sent as an email message that will erase your hard disk if you read it. So, we repeat: these warnings are a hoax; further, there are no known viruses that can be spread simply by reading an email message, since actual code must be executed for a virus to spread. Please see TidBITS-256 for a discussion of the original rumors. [GD]


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