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Spin Through Toolbar View Options

Although many people never change their toolbars from the default settings, all standard toolbars on the Mac offer six states: icon only, text only, and icon and text, with all three coming in normal and small size. You can change them by choosing View > Customize Toolbar.

But there's a shortcut that makes it easier to check out each variant. Simply Command-click the toolbar lozenge at the upper right of a window, and the toolbar switches to the next view. Click it enough times, and you cycle back to the start.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

TidBITS Translations

Apart from an occasional translated issue, TidBITS has been written almost entirely in English throughout our almost six years of publication. That's because, quite simply, we aren't fluent in many other languages, and translation is hard work. Now, however, several teams of dedicated volunteers have been translating TidBITS into Japanese (Kanji) and into German. For their work, they've certainly earned our heartfelt thanks. Needless to say, the translations aren't available immediately after publication, but if reading English is difficult for you, the wait is probably worth it.

Japanese -- There are now twelve folks working on the Japanese translations of TidBITS, and they've been at it for several months now. You can receive TidBITS-J issues via a mailing list; to subscribe, send email to <> with "subscribe your email address" (replace "your email address" with your actual email address) in the body of the message. If you prefer to read TidBITS-J on the Web, the HTML version can be found at the first URL below, and the issues that go to the mailing list are archived for access via FTP. You can also find TidBITS-J on Nifty-Serve and some FirstClass BBSs; email <> for more information. /

German -- The German translations of TidBITS started relatively recently, and they are currently available only on the Web. They're done by Walter J. Ferstl, with invaluable assistance from his colleague, Gregor Retti. Due to the effort involved, not all issues are being translated. Still, some is better than none, if you want to read in German. You can find the TidBITS-Deutsch at:

Others? If you're fluent in English and another language and have enough spare time on your hands to want to translate issues of TidBITS, let us know and we'll see how we can help.


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