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Quickly Attach to an Email Message

Want to start an email message that requires an attachment? Save a step or two by dragging the file's icon onto Mail's Dock icon - Mail automatically opens a new message window with the file already included as an attachment.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardeto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Classic Video Game Characters Take Manhattan

Patrick Jean's video "Pixels" is a graphical tour de force of classic video game characters destroying Manhattan. Space Invaders bomb New York City cabs into pixelated rubble, Pac-Man eats the subway, Tetris blocks "complete" skyscrapers, the Breakout paddle knocks out supporting bricks in the Brooklyn Bridge, and Donkey Kong takes over the Empire State Building. I especially liked Frogger's cameo appearance, and true to form, he just hops across the street without hurting anything. See how many video game company logos you can find in the backgrounds!


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