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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

ExtraBITS for 09-Mar-09

Massive Apple Memorabilia Fundraiser -- It's the situation all freelancers dread: a troubled economy, a lack of health insurance, and impending medical costs. That has led graphic designer and long-time TidBITS reader Blair Saldanah to part with one of the largest collections of Apple memorabilia we've ever seen. He has items from the very beginning of Macintosh history, so if you collect Apple t-shirts, posters, keychains, brochures, disks, or hardware, now's a good chance to add to your collection and help out a fellow Mac user. Prices are negotiable. (Posted 2009-03-06)

Wall Street Journal Quotes Adam about App Store Competition -- Will Apple allow independent App Store knock-offs that provide apps Apple won't allow (perhaps only on jailbroken iPhones)? We'll see soon enough, as the wraps are about to come off the Cydia Store. Adam comments on the possibility that an independent store could provide a better experience for developers. (Posted 2009-03-06)

MacTech Posts Updated Virtualization Benchmarks -- Although raw processing performance is by no means the main criterion when it comes to choosing a virtualization product for running Windows on a Mac, it does have a role. MacTech has now completed their latest tests of Parallels Desktop 4 and VMware Fusion 2. (Posted 2009-03-05)

Kindle 2 and Kindle for iPhone on Your Mac Life -- Glenn talks about the Kindle 2 and Amazon's new Kindle for iPhone application, how easy it is to read on either device, and what makes a book "booky" on Your Mac Life. Also, Peter Cohen, Lesa King, and Mark Gollin. (Posted 2009-03-04)

Roku Player Officially Gains Amazon Video on Demand Access --'s Video on Demand service, which offers a catalog of over 40,000 movies and TV shows for rental or purchase, is now accessible via the $99 Roku Digital Video Player. The partnership, announced in January 2009 and officially cemented on Tuesday, extends the Roku Digital Video Player's capabilities beyond Netflix's Watch Instantly feature. (Posted 2009-03-04)

The MacJury Considers Kindle 2 Speech Synthesis -- This MacJury podcast looks at whether authors are justified in trying to establish a separate right for books to be read aloud using text-to-speech technology, specifically in the Amazon Kindle 2. Chuck Joiner hosts a conversation with Bryan Chaffin, Peter Cohen, Glenn Fleishman, Ted Landau, and Keith Lang. (Posted 2009-03-04)

More AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule Update Detail -- Macworld offers Glenn's deeper look at some of the new features found in the AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule hardware update, and how you can make use of them. (Posted 2009-03-03)


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