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Mighty Mouse as Application Switcher

Looking for an easier way to switch between multiple applications? Within Keyboard and Mouse Preferences under System Preferences, you can configure the scroll wheel to act as an Application Switcher. Press the scroll button to bring up Application Switcher, scroll to toggle to the application you want, and hit the scroll button again to switch. You can also double-click the scroll button to quickly switch to the previously active application.

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CyberStudio 3 Goes Live

CyberStudio 3 Goes Live -- As the Web design industry evolves, companies offering Web page creation tools are discovering that designers want to build sites with WYSIWYG editors - and they also want to manipulate the resulting code by hand. GoLive's CyberStudio 3, released last week, delivers both approaches and more (see Tonya Engst's "Spinning the Web Part 4: CyberStudio" in TidBITS-387). While building pages graphically, users can control how the HTML is formatted, add interactivity using pre-built JavaScript Actions, control Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) effects, and manage all of the assets of complex sites. GoLive CyberStudio 3 Professional Edition is available at an introductory price of $299 (normal price is $549). Owners of CyberStudio 2 can upgrade electronically for free if the product was bought after 01-Jan-98; customers who purchased any version prior to 01-Jan-98 can upgrade electronically for $99. A 30-day trial version can be downloaded (8.7 MB) or delivered on CD-ROM. [JLC]

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