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Option-click to Hide Apps Quickly

This trick has been available in the Mac OS for years, but many people still don't know it. If you have too many windows cluttering up your screen, you can hide specific ones easily as you work. When you're in any application, hold down the Option key and click on another app's window, on the Dock, or in the Finder to switch to that other app and simultaneously hide all the windows in the previously current app.



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Previous: TidBITS 426 Next: TidBITS 428

Eudora Pro 4.0.1 Updater Released

Eudora Pro 4.0.1 Updater Released -- Qualcomm has released a free updater that takes Eudora Pro 4.0 to version 4.0.1. Although the update adds few new features, it includes many small tweaks, including vastly improved find performance within the Filters window, improved HTML parsing and performance, better nickname completion performance, and the capability to send copies of both styled and plain text in a single message using MIMEShow full article

Apple Releases HyperCard 2.4

Apple Releases HyperCard 2.4 -- After a two year lull, Apple has released an incremental upgrade to HyperCard, its venerable authoring and scripting toolShow full article

New Virtual Desktop

New Virtual Desktop -- After the mention of Virtual Desktop in "Monitor Shielding and Background" in TidBITS-426, Ross Brown of AWOL Software Productions advises us that you need Virtual Desktop 1.9.2, not 1.9.1, for compatibility with Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1Show full article

Dreamweaver 1.2 Update Available

Dreamweaver 1.2 Update Available -- Macromedia's latest update to the $299 Dreamweaver, Web authoring software that supports modern features such as cascading style sheets and animated buttons, continues to tempt designersShow full article

CE Sells QuickConference

CE Sells QuickConference -- CE Software has announced that the Iowa-based Prairie Group will take over development and sales of QuickConference IP, instant messaging software that evolved from CE's long-standing QuickMail email softwareShow full article

PageSpinner Extension Spins Sites

PageSpinner Extension Spins Sites -- Fans of the HTML editor PageSpinner should note Optima System's new Site Assistant 1.0, a PageSpinner extension that streamlines site-related operationsShow full article

AutoShare 2.2 Released

AutoShare 2.2 Released -- Mikael Hansen has released AutoShare 2.2, a freeware mailing list manager and autoresponder. Version 2.2 adds compatibility with the just-released Eudora Internet Mail Server 2.1, enhancements to the AppleScript dictionary, and process extendersShow full article

Resistance Is Futile... You Will Be Assimilated

Resistance Is Futile... You Will Be Assimilated -- Stairways Software has released the shareware Assimilator 2.0, which helps manage groups of Macs in situations such as student labs, testing labs, and stores that rent Macs to the publicShow full article

Financial Competition?

Last week's announcement that Intuit was ceasing development of Quicken for Macintosh due to declining sales fostered a slew of negative reactions (see "Intuit Drops Quicken for Macintosh" in TidBITS-426)Show full article

Lives of a Cell: Excel 98

To call Microsoft Excel a spreadsheet program is rather like calling the Grand Canyon a gully. Like the Grand Canyon, Excel is huge; it seems a rugged and forbidding place, but in reality it's full of power and beauty, much of which is concealed, and accessible only with a certain amount of laborShow full article

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