This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1998-05-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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CyberStudio 3 Goes Live

by Jeff Carlson

CyberStudio 3 Goes Live -- As the Web design industry evolves, companies offering Web page creation tools are discovering that designers want to build sites with WYSIWYG editors - and they also want to manipulate the resulting code by hand. GoLive's CyberStudio 3, released last week, delivers both approaches and more (see Tonya Engst's "Spinning the Web Part 4: CyberStudio" in TidBITS-387). While building pages graphically, users can control how the HTML is formatted, add interactivity using pre-built JavaScript Actions, control Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) effects, and manage all of the assets of complex sites. GoLive CyberStudio 3 Professional Edition is available at an introductory price of $299 (normal price is $549). Owners of CyberStudio 2 can upgrade electronically for free if the product was bought after 01-Jan-98; customers who purchased any version prior to 01-Jan-98 can upgrade electronically for $99. A 30-day trial version can be downloaded (8.7 MB) or delivered on CD-ROM. [JLC]

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